People that Inspire Us!
First Introduction
Do we ever know who will walk into out lives to make a big difference in this journey? My mother’s best friend in Key Largo was Ginny Bowes. As things are meant to happen, Ginny asked if I would volunteer at the local food bank. This was just before the pandemic. The next request, “Let’s go fishing!” who could have guessed that this friendship would not only continue at the food bank but very much on the water fishing. When the call comes in to go fishing all chores of the day are dropped as the conditions are perfect for that day to go fishing.
Captain Ginny
YoYo with Grouper
Fishing Day
Ginny runs her 80’s, 21’ Mako with all gear in the proper location rods, ice, bait, tackle box and GPS are all on board. Move out of the way, full throttle till we reach our destination. Out goes the anchor, chum bag, and lines for ballyhoos. One would not think about fishing with anything but fresh caught bait. Exception is frozen shrimp to catch the hoos. Next is snorkel and mask to swim the reef to see what is around. One day she saw a grouper on the reef, she waited a few hours, took a yoyo(round plastic with line wrapped around it) out and baited the hook. Within twenty minutes she had a big smile rolling into the boat a Grouper.
Ginny doesn’t need a 4, 400 hsp large fishing boat equipped with electric reals, sonar or depth scanners. She uses her mastery of experience, as if she understands the fish. When she was in her youth her dad took her on her first fishing trip and she fell in love with the rod and reel. Her stories usually includes a rod in hand. If you see a Mako behind you with a mature woman as captain, watch out she is preparing to pass you. One eye is on the current and the other eye is on the wind. She is absolutely amazing.
She loves catching lobsters
“I go fishing not to find myself but to lose myself !”
Joseph Monniger
Why this story
This is not just about her fishing which is incredible but her kindness in giving. Living by herself in a Florida Keys “true style home”. Up on pilings, all wood, decks on the second floor that overlook the canal and bay. Table and chairs out for anyone to comes and have a cocktail. Ginny goes to the St. Justin church every morning to assist in the service. Every Monday she can be found registering people at the food bank. Helping people with her position with St Vincent DePaul charity. Driving people to Doctor appointments in Homestead or Miami. She once said “if I don’t help others I will become too absorbed in myself”.
This month is a celebration back to Ginny in recognition of her selflessness and kindness giving to so many people. These are only a few stories, but this month Ginny will celebrate 81 years. This past week we went fishing again. A bit concerned over her look of exhaustion. After a few hours on the water swimming and fishing she lost ten years and again was her spunky self!
Next week more news about what is coming off the easel. Thank you for allowing me to take these stories and put them into this journal. Have a great week until next time!