Living the Art Of
Oil Painting in The Florida Keys
This website is a space to showcase my artwork and share a unique perspective on the world through my paintings. Your appreciation means the world to me, fueling my growth as an artist and inspiring me to create and uplift others.
Plein Air Morning Sunrise Series
Family Beach Day
Just finished this painting in Jensen Beach and it sold before the paint dried
Morning Sunrise
Painted sunrise on Jensen Beach, another sold before the oil dried!
Art Exhibit
What People Are Saying
“This painting is for my Wife’s Birthday”!
Key West Entrepreneur
“I spent time with a friend on Fort Zachary Beach and this painting reminds me of those moments”
Buffalo NY
“I have an empty wall and those colors match my interior.”
Condo Owner
“My husband fell in love with this ocean painting, I want to surprise him with it”
Outer Banks
The painting arrived in perfect condition. It is lovely! Thank you so much! I will enjoy it for years to come.
Bellevue, Washington
Hello friend, I’d like to invite you to join my email list where I share insights into my mind and work.